Hi Guys
We are now in Belgium at a little country town called Huldenberg staying with our daughter and son-in-law Sue and Mick. I have found a doctor who will give me another term off, just kidding!!!!! It is really easy to get a certificate for this here. We are sitting in the sun today and having a few wines. It is really odd seeing all the corn ripe and wheat ready for reaping when it's already been done back home a few months ago.

We took a picture of Clifford and Delores with and in the wheat. Its a long way from Greystone to Huldenburg, particularly the way we did it. Mum via Sky City and the International Reading Congress in Auckland and me (the Sadie) following in the CRV and landing at Little Russia after having caught up with Sammo. One of the most beautiful drives across the Desert Road I have ever had. No snow on the road but right down covering all the mountains. A very nostalgic trip for Sadie who climbed all of them (Tongariro, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu) many times, summer and winter back in the early 1960's. 4 days in Little Russia with Ian and Olga who had much to do to get ready for the trip.
We took a picture of Clifford and Delores with and in the wheat. Its a long way from Greystone to Huldenburg, particularly the way we did it. Mum via Sky City and the International Reading Congress in Auckland and me (the Sadie) following in the CRV and landing at Little Russia after having caught up with Sammo. One of the most beautiful drives across the Desert Road I have ever had. No snow on the road but right down covering all the mountains. A very nostalgic trip for Sadie who climbed all of them (Tongariro, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu) many times, summer and winter back in the early 1960's. 4 days in Little Russia with Ian and Olga who had much to do to get ready for the trip.
Then it was off for an early morning departure from Auckland to Seoul - a 12 hour flight. A night over in the Seoul Hyatt courtesy of Korean Air and then off to Rome a 9 1/2 hour flight.
Fantastic views of China around Beijing and then coming in over south - western Russia, Austria and Slovenia. Rome was hot and the apartment was small but very comfortable.
Up three flights of stairs (no lift) with some heavy bags. We found a friendly restaurant (outside it was cooler) and started to put mind and body together again.
Awesome job keeping us all up to date with your adventures!! Its almost like being there..... without having to pay the bill :-) big grin and lots of love, xxxk
Hi there poppy here.Swine flu has come and gone, the most people away was 100 on one day. All the teachers were sick as well. The daffodials in your front garden look really nice and I will try and get a photo for you. Delores and Clifford need a fried, next time I'll go with them. Your photos are neat, especially Venice on teh water, and Italy. Today was dress up day at school I was "poppy longstockings". Got to go now, at the library - mums computer doeant seem to like your blog. Bye Poppy
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