27 August 2010

Leuven and Cycling go together!!!!

On Tuesday 23rd August we left Huldenburg at 10.30am on our trusty bikes and rode the bike ways to Leuven. The way was not long but after a few hills, much crop land and pedalling through the forest we came upon the outskirts of Leuven.

The next thing was to find our B&B. We wandered through the town, past many parts of the university and followed our map of the cycle tracks and finally we were looking out over a lake to the Abdij van Park(Park Abbey, photoe on the right). No this was not our B&B but I had seen this on the google map and it was close by. After orientating myself we cycled part way around the lake and up a walkway and found ourselves on the street the B&B was on. It was called 'Park B&B', easy to remember. It was very modern and cosy. We moved ourselves into the "Blue Room' and had a bit of a rest.

We went exploring into the city and found a nice little pub called Reuben Taverna on the corner of the Grote Markt where we had a feed and a beer or two.

Two tired little persons went early to bed after a strenuous day.
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