16 August 2010

Castello di Mugnana - more

Now you see it! Mike R and Glenn preparing an evening meal for the hungry mob. It turned out to be spaghetti bolognese. Fantastico! Mike's slicing of the onions was a 'thing of some beauty.' Even wife Debbie was impressed. Mike, you have proven you can do it. Wait till you get back home and you will be able to hone your skills further.

And young Glen, surprised even himself as well we are sure as Ronnaye. It was one of the most memoraable spaghetti bologneses ever!

And now the dining hall for the evening feasts, showing one of the tables with Debbie in attendance.

Two friends from Oman, Ronnaye from Auckland and Sue from Huldenberg ready for an amazing meal, more drinkies and more peopling with the assembled well wishers.

Young Ian R in expansive mood, waiting, waiting, waiting for the next delectable delight. Sue's uncle from Kiwiland and many places in Russia.

Another view of Mike R relaxing at the kitchen window caught so to speak by an eagle-eyed photographer lurking in the castello's courtyard. Is that a bottle of cooking oil we see Mike? Or is it a bottle of good Toscana red (Carpineto)? All guesses to those tower watchers Clifford and Delores the Greystoners.

Whoops Sue, the eagle-eyed one was waiting and got this reward. Legend has it that said 1/2G was drained that evening - with help of course!!

And now for some of the other party people, Niels, son of Eric and Marija from the Netherlands. They drove to Toscana just to be with Mike and Sue for their celebrations. Eric and Mike are 1st cousins; their two Dads are brothers. Neils is having a rest after playing badminton in the courtyard so that others can take great swipes at the shuttlecock in the hope of hitting it.

A closer view of Niels watching the older ones and wondering ... well that's your guess. Obviously a football fan. Guess who his team and favourite player is?

That kitchen window again - this time it is Debbie explaining what is going on in that kitchen. Kiwi sign language no doubt understandable to Mike R and all Taranakians north of the Republic of Inglewood. Fancy travelling 24+ hours in a plane, survived Roma and the wilds of the drive north to Firenze and the castello only to end up in a kitchen window. No wonder some were somewhat speechless and resorting to strange sign languages. It afflicted us all Debbie some even worse so (grammar dear, grammar!).

Shopping needs hit the castello and the 'girls' set off for Firenze one day and returned with 'curled, slightly smouldering' plastic cards. Two examples caught by the eagle-eyed one, Claire and Celine looking mighty satisfied with the day's catches.

Eric and Judith are in attendance at the badminton in the courtyard and in pensive mood.

Hello here is another using sign language and resting on that kitchen window sill. Another eagle-eyed one caught the 'inaction.'

This 'ere be Claire from Ghent friend and workmate of Mike, caught relatively unawares. Claire's efforts voluntarily hostessing and oiling the wheels of friendship with so many different people was of a high order. Thanks Claire from Sue's oldes (Mum and Dad that is).

Another unposed shot with Marija, Claire and Jean-Marc reviewing things of 'great importance' in that courtyard. Jean-Marc known to some as 'Luigi' is probably dreaming of chainsawing more trees on Sue and Mike's Huldenberg property or maybe how to beat some others at the card game 500 the coming evening.

And this was Celine in fine form quaffing some delectable white 'quaffe mixture.' Whether it was fine French or other has been lost in the mists of the following 48 hours perhaps?

Yes, Judith some of the antics of the 'badminton' players were reason for laughter. Eric andMarija's young daughter had a lovely time amongst all of the older ones and brother Neils.

Whoops, its that Taranakian boy again showing just how good the lads back home are at looking after a bottle.

In the courtyard again, this time with Celine and Mike. Enjoying the atmosphere and the camaraderie.

Sammo is in attendance wearing one of her newly acquired T shirts. Some quotes from the week survived. One of them Sammo's. "Been there. Done that. Got the T shirt!"

"When's my dinner coming?" Once again Judith features waiting patiently in the dining room for another fantastic creation by one of the party people.

And of course the Greystoners again - this time gazing wistfully at an empty wine glass and as fate would have it an empty wine bottle.

Herendith another chapter in the on-going saga of Sue's 40th and Mike's 40 something!

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