Wow what a train ride from Firenze to Lausanne in Switzerland. The views along the way of the lakes, the mountains and the homes all nestled into their environments were simply spectacular. Coupled with this some 2 hours was spent in the restaurant car consuming and imbibing AND looking at the views! Well we got to Lausanne just on 11pm and the next step was to find the hotel, allegedly some 300m from the station. In fact it was but which way to go. Evan's french was as good as a helpful gentlemans english so we ended up going the right way and were safely ensconsed in the Hotel du Boulevard by midnight having dragged our belongings through the streets.
Very comfortable, very small and very efficient. All the communications were by intercom. Apart from a bloke who unblogged a sink the next day we didn't see anyone for the two nights. Even the billing and payment was arranged by phone with an office sonewhere near the hotel.
Well the next day the feets were limbered up and shod and ready to go. As one can see from the following photos.

Classy feet what? and classy photography, what, what, what!
Sammo's feet in Lausanne. At one stage both feet were: "Lost in Lausanne." Only to be found again tramping, tramping down from the Cathedral to the rail station. It's just that things looked different from the other direction.

Climbing the hill from the station up through an olde and fascinating lot of shops.

The Heidi shop got particular investigation from Sammo looking, looking to see what bargains awaited her eager, eagle eyes.

And here she is again, that teacher extraodinaire, posing alongside a stainless steel 'work of art.'

What classy old buildings, this one in the centre of Lausanne with gilded clock which actually works and tells the time - not like public clocks in some countries that we know.

This 'walkway' is inside an 'Eastern' shop and gives an excellent idea of what could be done with suitably treated macrocarpa slices back home in Greystone. The floor itself is a 'work of art' complementing the first class displays inside some 80 sq m.

Evan with friend who spoke perfect Kiwi! She understood every colloquial phrase but in true eastern fashion remained insrutably, insructable (spelling dear spelling!). Inscrutably inscrutable, I think my dear!!

Spotted this sign and thought of our Carlos - so another photograph and straight to the 'pool room' with this one. Famous in Lausanne Carlos!

Some of the skyline of Lausanne from up on one of the higher points of the city. In many ways it looks like Wellington with a lake instead of a harbour and is slightly bigger and older - perhaps more than slightly!!

Can't resist a good flower photo! A great little florist shop right alongside the shop where Sammo bought a bargain shirt for the Evan traveller. Skin tight to show of the Abs and the muscular torso.

And of course what about the Martins - even in Lausanne there be a Street Rueing along!

The Lausanne Cathedral is a magnificant building inside and out! Here is a picture with Sammo climbing up the last rise towards it.

Sammo looking over the lower skyline of Lausanne from the cathedral level with the Swiss flag fluttering in the background.

Beautiful sculptural work alongside the main entrance suitably enhanced by one of the Kiwi travellers. The inside was very informative and historic sculptures abound and of course very serene with the outside world literally a 'world away.'

Here she is again hotel bound with shopping bag in hand right outside a very tempting shop. But she walked right past! What?

Who said hospitality is dead? Sammo was famished, very dry and on enquiring in a cafe with no other clients was provided a glass of water. It only cost 3.50 Swiss Francs!

How about this for a feast, a veritable repast. Back at the hotel, once Sammo the 'hunter and gatherer' 1st classe had foraged we had such a feed - all ready for the morning's amble to the train station for the trip to Zurich and points further away like Brussels.

Here she is, the traveller from Greytown, at Zurich station waiting for the train to speed us toward Vennik Ville.

12.26 was the ETD - only one minute late taking off. Lausanne was an enjoyable break in our journey from Firenze to Brussels.