02 September 2007

Host Home - "Greystone"

Greystone is found in the town of Greytown in the Wairarapa (glistening waters) district of New Zealand. It is the home of Evan and Sally Morch.

Our brand is 'Greystoned.' This originated last century for the range of fine, home distilled alcoholic beverages and liqueurs made in Greystone from local fruits and berries. Now the brand has come to mean that to be 'Greystoned' is to have been very well fed, watered and introduced to the coutryside highlights of the Wairarapa.

Greystone is an equal opportunity host home where everyone who is a guest has an equal opportunity to enjoy the 'Greystoned' "quaff mixtures." These are always 'koha' which means that they are gifts or recognition of the pleasure of a guest's company.

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