Greetings from Picasso and Cleopatra (the Greystone Cats) to Thor in New Plymouth and Forrest and Frodo in Brussels. We are sunning ourselves at 0930 hours 5 September 2007 and dreaming of our next feed! We hang out here most of the day and watch kereru and tui poncing around. They look like they want to play chasing but we just can't stir our stumps since a feed may come into the garage when we were chasing, and that would not be good for our figures. Evan says we are fat but we call it winter condition.
We like talking to visitors especially that courier man that brought Sue's package that is being sent on to Brussels. We asked Evan what was in it and he said, "Never you mind. You can't eat it!" He seems to thinks thats all we think about!
Au revoir Thor, Frodo and Forrest, eat well.
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