30 November 2009

Bowling! Bowling! Bowling!

Watch out the bowling world! Evan and Sammo are now novice bowlers. The local club is but a wee bike ride from Greystone. Talk about bias! Setting aside any predjudices various persons may have about bowling, getting the bias right is essential. Just like joing the 'right' political party! What?

Lots more to come. Pictures of Sammo's new bowls will be included together with the sartorial splendour of the participants.


Harvey family said...

Looking forward to photos! And xmas ...!!!!! Love us xoxoxo

Carlos said...

If i remember rightly, Mum's balls should have "dead eye dick" engraved on them, hope they sell cheap beer make the subs worthwhile.
Look forward to seeing you all soon.

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

sounds like fun. Look out for the new and improved vennik blog comming soon.....

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

New blog at http://kiwisinhuldenberg.blogspot.com/. Can you change your links?

Kristina Martin said...

My - what big bowls you have!!