Greystone have a new BBQ, first run yesterday! This will provide the sizzled sausages for the children tomorrow. The old 'steam driven' BBQ that saw so much action from 1987 is in an advisory position round the back of "Lillehus.' "Just call me if you need me!" he croaked when told of his retirement. Greystone now has a retired cat (name of Picasso), a retired BBQ (never was named) and an somewhat older male person, retired, (alias Sadie, Morfar, Farfar, Dad, Darl, Evan and sometimes???). Of course every menagerie needs a Boss. Sammo does sterling work in this area and even set up a licquorice all sorts rationing system yesterday.
The balloons look rather flat and it looks as though we will need the grandsons to blow them up again. They are the ones that Isaac and Lisa blew up for Sammo's 60th back in August 08. Either a re-blow or they will have to join the retired ranks as well! Christmas lights and trees' photos will be taken and added over the next few days so all the followers can enjoy a Kiwi summer Christmas.
As you will see the gardens are growing rapidly and the civil (as opposed to impolite) works are progressing well. Note the FSB's (Flexible Sun Beds) - hammocks - for those with less poetry in their souls where the 'waters' * are taken on sunny evenings.
*'Waters' is the euphemism for a long glass filled with ice, a standard quantity (a 'Danish') of greystoned gin and tonic to the top.
Thanks Kate.
Hey was nice to talk last nite, Im glad you've finally switched onto the fact i am 'the' blogger of the family now, and actually reading mine. pmsl (that'll confuse him)
Garden looks great, love the completed wall out the back, and the stones around the gardens, really does finish them off. The plants look like they have had plenty of water and sunshine, very lush.
Help! I am confused! What does it mean! All this txt language!
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