Picasso is suitably attired. The silver fern flag is flying. The table is set. All the offspring have been spoken with so its on with the eating and consuming the bubbles. A lovely sunny day and a lovely Christmas Day with just Sammo and

Our blog is a contact point for our offspring and extended families in New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, Belgium and Oman and wherever descendants may be at any time.
I know, isn't skype just so amazing!! Says the skype virgin who got all excited this morning when it worked - even Thomas got excited when his mamma managed to get it right and he could see the aunts and uncles in Belgie! We'll try again tomorrow for Nannan and Morfar!
And, I got an ipod nano for xmas, now it will take me another year to get that working and useable for my runs!!
We have great photos taken whilst talking with Kris and Sue - but need their permission before I can publish them (lots of nose picking going on thanks to Thomas's encouragement!) on our blog - so keep a look out for the approved ones!
Love and hugs to all - we are shattered and finally heading to bed, after mowing the lawns tonight and tidying up the grounds. Hope you have all had, or are having a great xmas!!
Miss you all! Jo, Steve and Thomas (and Thor the cat) xoxoxox
Sue approves of any photo - I have no image to protect - so long as you do not publish a full name with it - scooby works on most occassioans... BUT...Kris demands to review and approve each photo prior to publishing.
Scoobey Doo and Tina like to use the Skype!
It gives the the chance to be themselves, just like,
Thomas,Carl,Isaac, Farfar and Morfar too.
Just no surnames please or we'll all be in the stew!
(Flemish that is!)
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