31 January 2010

The Great Greystone Potato growing competition

Keep watching this space! The trial spud lots have been harvested and the results are truly amazing. Photos of the happy growers too. Can't wait? Well tough, you will just have to!
Well guess what - only 11 days later here are the photos. Sadie had just a few more than Sam but Sam's were slightly bigger. Not statistically significant though? So Sam's touted advanced technique has yet to prove itself conclusively.


Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Eagerly awating....tap tap tap...

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Still waiting - - - tap tap tap - - tap tap tap . . .

Greystone said...

Well tap, tap, tap! Patience is a virtue possess it if you can! Seldom found in women! Often in a man!!!

Sadie (the male gender of course!)

Carlos said...

Nice work Mum looks like your technique came up trumps. Whatever he says about size or quantity doesn't count. Your the winner in my eyes.

Greystone said...

Hullo young Carlos!

Slightly wrong bias as they say in Bowls, what?

Cheers, Dad

Greystone said...

Well done Carlos, you know what side your bread is buttered. I don't think we left them long enough for the method to be proved or otherwise. Although I agreed to the date of uplifting.
