01 May 2009

Another birthday for Jo!

Yes, Jo's birthday came and went on 13 April. Sammo the Mum rang Jo as she, Sammo, was on her way to Oz and later that evening Evan the Dad also rang, Jo that is, and complimented her on achieving such an age.

What is it about these offspring of ours? Don't they realise that for every year they get older we (Evan and Sammo) also get older? It seems sometimes that we are being pushed somewhere. Perhaps they also are being pushed just as we did to our parents etcetera, etcetara.

And now Thomas's 5th birthday looms in October. Evan and Sammo will be in attendance, God willing!

Jo. How about a photo for posterity showing just how young and sprightly you are?

Well it didn't take long and just look how young and sprightly Jo is?

1 comment:

Harvey family said...

I'll get one of my boys to take one, if you so desire - as I may be young and sprightly but that doesn't mean I can click the camera and be in front of it waiting for said photo - a mean feat for anyone! So yes, as soon as we have one I will forward for you to add!
Sounds like you have been having fun in Brisbane, and looks like lots of busy times ahead over this year. Love Jo (and my boys) xoxoxo