Various theories have been tested and 'Whodunit Expertise' from friends, relatives and neighbours has been utilised to resolve the matter, generally assisted with considerable libations of 'Greystoned ' Gin.
Today the culprit has been found - BUSTED!!!

McTavish is a benign looking individual (see picture) - some would say a stuffed toy. By day he (definately not a she! - under kilt viewing has determined that) sits around looking, well, stuffed.

By night he climbs into the jars and scoffs the lot! Sadie the superannuitant housekeeper and full-time gardener (see picture) has been blamed until now. See for yourself and agree that the matter has been finally put to rest. Leg irons for McTavish the Scottish chocolate/licquorice allsorts midnight phantom muncher.
No comments to this blog entry will be taken as agreement with McTavish's guilt!

You can see that it is McTavish since Sadie couldn't get into that jar!
We will have to reserve judgement until all the evidence can be viewed - such as said photos - if they exisit!
Au contraire mes amis - proof positive has been added. All gifts of liquorice all sorts and chocolates (the ones with strong liqueurs in the centres) will be gratefully accepted and stored under strict security. Leg irons for McTavish are under construction! The other (many) stuffed toys around Greystone when questioned under strong light by a drip all said, "He did it, he did it!"
Leg irons - some form of pleasure toy?
Who was the "drip" questioning him under the strong light?
Me thinks Sadie/he protestith too much!
All evidence will need to be thoroughly checked and all photos scruntised - you can tell I've been watching too many CSI programmes.
Enjoy the liquorice and chocolates dad/McTavish!
Mrs Marples (alias Mrs Jo) is on the trail! Not all clues picked up though Mrs Jo.
This is a classic Greystone "Whodunit.' 1st prize one free week at Greystone; 2nd prize? Two weeks? Judge's decision will be final and no correspodence will be entered into.
Note: Logic is the last resort of the depserate.
Is there are 3rd place prize?
Bye the way, how did Sadie of Greystone know that the missing, presumed consumed liquorice and chocolates were kept in a jar?
If McTavish could climb "into" the jar rather just reach in to grab some, wouldn't the hand of Sadie be the right size too?
Any fingerprints or evidence been sent to forensics?
I think all talk of McTavish and alleged theft and munching of treats are red herrings. I suggest there is another crime in our midst! Sadie alleges to be housekeeper and (full time) gardener. The evidence however is right in front of us. See Exhibit One - photo of Sadie hard at work on own blog post. :-)
Kristina has seen through Part One of 'THE RUSE!' Yay! Busted!! The said treats however are still evaporating. The Port Campbell (PC) snake that went fishing up the Marlborough Sounds in January 1995 for the first time has a role in such evaporation. PC snake is currently at Greystone Gitmo undergoing R&R. Pictures to be added of snake and McTavish's other accomplices.
PC snake made his first appearance whilst Anna, Ray, Evan, Sally, Jim and Margaret (NSW teacher friends, of Anna and Ray) were quaffing G&T's in Port Ligar. Ray had snake attached to a hidden piece of nylon line and snake scuttled (nay slithered) across the deck frightening the quaffers.
Stay tuned for the "continuing story."
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