In order to cater for the lads from Brisbane's arrival next month, Sadie (continuing his/her customer satisfaction approach) has established by direct contact what food supplies the lads will need. The usual list for an 11 year old (well almost 11) arrived however there one one addition that only Sadie could supply.
Isaac loves Farfar's home-baked bread. A sample picture shows what a glorious loaf will be supplied. The cookie eating monster doesn't eat bread, not without cheese and whiskey that is, so the loaf will be safe from his gustatory attentions.

Thomas's food needs (ie finger food for starving grandsons) also need to be met. So Sadie (with his Morfar's assistance) will attend to that. 4 year olds are a particular challenge in the finger food stakes!
Signed off by Isaac's Farfar and Thomas's Morfar with Sadie's beady eye watching closely.
Thanks heaps Morfar for being so well organised! We'll put together a list of needs and make sure you have it in plenty of time! Even managed to get Thomas eating avocado tonight as a vege on his dinner plate - you'll both be impressed with his vege range now. Still on sausages though, not a big meat eater our boy, but does love his chips and dips (just like his mum and dad). We are really excited about seeing you soon and getting to spend some time together to celebrate our mum and nannan. Chat soon. Love us xoxo
Jealous as hell that while you are all celebrating I will be freakn out about to fly off to 40 something degrees in Oman.
Will be home on the Saturday & Sunday though, to hook up on skype.
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