17 February 2010

We all must pass over sometime - Uncle Evan

Yes, we must! My Uncle Evan from Korsor, in Denmark died on the 14th January 2010 aged 86 years' old.

We had many (but never enough) happy times together in Denmark, both Sammo and Evan SE. Evan SE was named after my Uncle Evan who was 19 years younger than Evan SE's Dad Svend and 20 years older than Evan SE.

Now there are only two Evan's left, one in Greystone and the other in Perth (Evan Carl David). The latter is the youngest son of Evan SE's brother John.

The flag was flown at half mast on the day of Uncle Evan's funeral.

Ohariu Valley golfing!

Just before Sammo's return to teaching we savoured the delights of the Ohariu Golf Club. Leigh and Horst warned us it was steep. And it was! Great weather and some very testing holes.

Motored back through Makara to Karori to the James Cook for well earned drinkies. Wellington's wilds around the back of Karori to the west to Cape Terawhiti is great country and reminded Sadie (alias Evan) of the tramping and camping in the 1950's from Makara down to the Karori lighthouse and points in between. The area around Makara is now the place where many wind trubines are placed with the residents not happy at all with the noise.

Photos show the happy golfers after the match (another dead heat of course!).

11 February 2010

Her Majesty's first day back in the classroom for 2010

Weep no more little ones teacher is back! Totally relaxed and eyes like a hawk! This picture shows the happy Sammo descending the stairs for breakfast (prepared by the Sadie of course) who suitably geneflucts (bows peasants! bows!) each morning tugging forelock. No cheeky comments please this is a family blog.

The class of 2010 and the broader syndicate of 3 classes are by early accounts one of the best. Not bad for a collection of 72 - 7 to 8 year olds!