15 September 2009

Its Springtime at Greystone!!

Spring is well underway now. See the photos of the Mt Fugi cherry and just wait until Carl's birthday on the 3rd of October for the showy Sakura cherry blossom. The yellow tulips are also in full bloom in the half barrels at the front and the Magnolia grandiflora is also showing off as usual. Early vegetable plantings are underway and growing from seed this year is a very worthwhile exercise.

Christmas thoughts are starting but there are some big birthdays to be celebrated first. Those that SPRING to mind are Steve's, Carl's, Thomas's, Isaac's, Jesse's, Greg and Kristina's. If there are others that the aged brain has overlooked an email will fix that and the next entry will add them.

Picasso is always alert and ready for his next feed, as the picture shows.

Major milestone. The foot gate has been installed! After 8 years is not bad! Is it? Gavin the stone wall artisan got the gap just right. When Mike Vennik sees it he will cheer since he asked me many moons ago, "When are you going to instal the gate?" "Soon, Mike soon," was the reply.