Wow! Without power for a few days! A new pole was scheduled for 20 August and was installed earlier. The installers had all the big vehicles and all the marvellous gizmos and were happy to have their photos taken. Provided I didn't send them to OSH (Occupational safety and Health).
And of course the major happening was Sammo's birthday! Sammo has decided that she will take one year off the total each year now, going backwards in effect. She has joined the Sadie who has been going backwards for years. The Countryman in Masterton was the favoured restaurant this year and was most enjoyable. Many thanks to the offspring who phoned and texted from New Plymouth (Thomas is nearly five and getting very good on the phone), Brisbane and the Italian Alps.
Spring is well underway at Greystone with the blossom all some 2 weeks earlier this year.