Sammo and Evan arrived back 23/4 following a great visit with Carl and Isaac; Tanja, Jesse and Tim. Evan's arrival on 16/4 was a complete surprise for Sammo (she says a very pleasant one!) who arrived in Rochedale, Brisbane on 13/4. Yes, Carl and Tanja kept it a secret for two months! See Carl's blog for other commentary.
The property that Carl and Tanja are house-sitting for a year is a wonderful place for young people and their dogs. Heidi the black retriever is being house-sit for the owners as well. Madeline (known affectionately as Maddie) is the young golden labrador pup. She delights in putting on 'mad dog' stunts. Those who knew Rambo, Rolley and Rastus will recall the ever diminishing, nearly concentric circles that they would run in when encouraged to perform 'mad dog' stunts.
A very relaxing visit with much attention to soccer by the boys and informal games of soccer on the front lawn with the two canine members. Chewing of the soccer balls definately frowned upon! Some shopping, shopping, shopping also!! Saturday was 'soccer day for the boys. The pictures tell the story. Yes, Isaac worked hard for his side's 2 - 1 win.

Before Evan arrived Sammo, Isaac, Jesse, Tim, Carl and Tanja went to Australian Zoo. The pictures tell the story!

Evan and Sammo's friends Lisa and Leigh and Horst rose to new heights to facilitate Evan's surprise visit. The CRV was parked at Leigh and Horst's in Newlands for the week with Lisa driving Evan to the airport. Leigh and Horst met Evan on his return flight and plied him and themselves with a gourmet meal cooked by Horst with wines to match and then left Evan to collect Sammo from the midnight flight on 23/4. Evan and Sammo spent the night back in Newlands at their homestay.
But back to Brisbane and the 'barefoot' bowlers. Tanja's Mum and Dad and Evan and Sally joined with Tanja and Carl for the big 'bowl-off.' The ladies' team sqeaked home against the gentlemen's team. Have a look and decide for yoursselves whether it was a friendly match or not!

Sammo is off to Hamilton tonight 1/5 for an NZ Reading Association executive meeting and back 2/5. The 'high flying executive' has arrived with planned work visits to Christchurch and Queenstown in June and September respectively! And, whew! just to round this coming weekend off Evan and Sammo are helping the Hudson's to pick their riesling grapes on Sunday 3/5 in Martinborough.