Its been a busy visiting schedule for Greystone this summer. Michael arrived Wellington airport after a very comfortable flight from Brussels via Heathrow and Hong Kong on 13 March. The White Swan beckoned for drinkies with the in-laws and friends whilst Sue was working hard in Oman. Picasso and Mike remembered one another - well at least Mike did. A good meal at Greystone, a good sleep after all those miles and Mike was off to Taranaki to see his folks.
Herbie the beamer was beaming and impatiently growling when they left the next day. "Let me at that Manawatu Gorge and I want to see Mt Taranaki again," he was muttering. Mike and Herbie return on 26 March for the return to Bruxelles 27 March. Mike's luggage caught up with him in Taranaki - it got lost on arrival at Heathrow on the way out.