18 November 2008

Isaac's Loot!

Thanks to Isaac's Dad, Carl we now have a record of Isaac's 11th birthday's loot! Watch out NZ's Black Caps you now have a demon Oz batter to contend with. Isaac, let Farfar know when the mighty bat, otherwise known as "The Kiwi Tamer" gets its first runs. Then we can put that information (as a certificate) with Farfar's bat and Carl's bat both stored in Isaac's Corner at Greystone.

What a birthday it must have been. See all the "loot" pictures. Cool books, games and Duvet (or is it a Dooner?) Can't wait to visit again. Love from Farfar, Bestemor and Picasso (the big fat 18 year old cat).

10 November 2008

Isaac is 11 years old today!

Isaac resident of Brisbane in Oz is 11 years old today! Congratulations Isaac from Greystone; Farfar, Bestemor and Picasso (the 18 year old big fat cat!). Yes, you are catching up to us. We vividly remember the day you arrived in this world, such a good looking intelligent child! When you got home with Mum she used to surround you with books - its no wonder you learnt to read at a very early age. Bestemor rang me to tell me of your birth 11 years ago today. I was at the piano being growled at by my music teacher in Lyall Bay who used to say to me, "Evan, now you are going to play this piece in Mozart time not Morch time!"

At Greystone we look forward to hearing how the day went and the 'loot' that you scored from your extended family in NZ and Oz.

Congratulations Carl and Amanda. You are doing wonderful work bringing up Isaac.

03 November 2008

Remembrance Day - Norah Osbon my Mum

Today 3 November is my Mum's 31st Remembrance Day. Born in 1917 she and many others of similar ages endured the Great Depression as teenagers. Opportunities that later generations have taken for granted were not available to them. Many did not get the education that would have assisted them and our country to grow. Norah was required to leave school to assist with family finances along with other family members. She was very bright and made sure that her children got the educational opportunities denied to her and her siblings and other friends. She was passionate about gaining education and in the few short years before her early death just short of 60 years she enrolled at James Cook High School as an adult student to study for and get her School Certificate.

Along with many other young women during WWII she was trained as a motor mechanic whilst many others were trained in all sorts of fields traditionally reserved for the men as a necessity for the 'war effort.' They were hard times for that and the earlier generations.

The thrift and steadfast attitudes that she and Svend (my Dad) practised, whilst growing a family of four, has stood me in good stead throughout my working life. In recent months with the major economic downturn starting to bite, many of her and Svend's actions are practical examples for what may be needed to continue to prosper so that we, in our turn, can provide a better platform for our future generations.

A memoir of her life featuring her many achievements is close to completion. She would be thrilled to know how her offspring have developed with all four children achieving much of merit in their chosen fields and particularly in building strong families; now with 7 grandchildren and four great grandchildren covering NZ, Australia and Belgium. She and Svend would be delighted that the Danish family contacts have continued to be strengthened. It was not easy for her to marry an 'alien' particularly in the myopic years following WWII in NZ, but it was typical of her resolve and strength of character (ably supported and demonstrated by Svend) that has lead to the level of prosperity that we enjoy today.