13 May 2008

Definitely Autumn at Greystone

A minus 1C frost this morning. No wonder the leaves are turning. The swamp cyprus at left and the Indian lilac at right are starting to show the effects of autumn.

On the other hand the Chinese grape holly is getting into its stride with its yellow flower buds just about to burst. Keep an eye around the bases of the greystone and the Indian lilac since the daffodils will start to poke their heads up in about 4 - 6 weeks time.

One of the advantages of inland Wairarapa are the distinct seasonal changes in the gardens.
A last gasp of summer shows one of the roses defiantly giving the fingers to the frosty morning - as they do! The figs have all been harvested from the tree immediately behind the rose. Great with ice cream and selected greystoned liqueurs. Autumn is the season for making all sorts of liqueuers from the Greystone fruits.

Picasso the 'old man cat' now prefers snoring in front of the wood fire (on his sheepskin) stirring only to demand milk or to get outside to dig holes in the new lawn or gardens. He must have some American genes since he calls it "going to the bathroom!"

Meanwhile Sadie plugs on with ALL the housework and building stone walls and features in the garden once the sun is well up!

03 May 2008

A visit from Suzanne to Greystone

Yes folks Greystone welcomed Mrs Suzanne for a two day visit. By kind permission of Mr Mike and Company.

Mum (Sally) met Sue at Wellington airport, Mum jetting in from Brisbane having just spent a week with her boys Carl and Isaac. Sue arrived from New Plymouth having spent working time for the Company and visiting time with sister Joanne, brother-in-law Steve and nephew Thomas.

Back from the airport Mum and Sue caught the Wairarapa train to Woodside following some drinkies at Trax to be met by Sadie (alias Evan). A roast dinner was served cooked by Sadie. A wonderful evening sharing reminiscences and gourmet cooking complemented with local red wines.

Next day Mrs Sue prepared Flemish stew for our evening meal following an obligatory visit to the White Swan with Mum and Dad for "quaff mixtures." A great walk to and from Greystone through the Autumn leaves - great colours and thick drifts of leaves. Picasso the cat was at his best cuddling everybody in sight and enjoying roast meat, milk and his normal Whiskas. At the equivalent of 80 human years Picasso has learnt the fine arts of dining and relaxing by the fire and when needed on laps.

The next and final day of the visit the CRV was loaded including a bottle of Ata Rangi Summer Rose 2006 for the Belgium summer and took off for the Wellington Club (introductions for Sue and drinkies for all), the Leuven for moules and frites and of course the airport for Sue to get to Auckland en route to Los Angeles, Heathrow and Brussels. The photos show the happy parents, Sue and some of the guests on--the-wall at the Leuven.

From Mum and Dad at Greystone - thanks for the visit Mrs Sue!