We are dry! However 2mm yesterday and 3mm so far today! Carl's Olde Bicycle has been a dry weather bike for years. However due to 3mm in 1/2 an hour and since Sadie was halfway downtown when the rain started, necessity became the Mother of invention. Of course the Sprite bottle is but just a copy of Carl's much larger lemonade bottle of yore. The lemonade bottle succumbed to the ravages of time some years back. The replacement looks smart though and is 'clean and green.".
Carl's record on this bicycle, around the Mole/Wood/ West/North/Udy Street circuit of Greytown still stands. 12 minutes from a standing start in 2002!
Note: Carl's Olde Bicycle was gifted to Evan the future Sadie in 1999 when Carl 'saw the light' and crossed the ditch to Brisbane. It is now an item of note in Greytown. With Sadie on board it has reached approx 7.55 kph downwind and downhill for some 12.23 seconds!! It was touch and go whether the aged, sleeping Labrador was able to catch the speeding duo!
It is now often propped up around Greytown with the security lock firmly fastened whilst Sadie is busy chatting over housekeeping tips and distributing bottles of "Greystoned" libations for those that have done a paticular favour.