It is 29C when this was taken of Sammo 'READING!' Life in the hammocks has started about a week ago. It hasn't rained for Yonks and it is very dry. Almost as dry as the Greystoned Gin. Today Still the brewer (alias Sadie, alias Evan) will be making "Limoncello." It is alcoholic and made from lemon peel according to an ancient recipe from Italia. The Sky Food Channel featured said product some two weeks ago and Still has traded a 250ml bottle of Greystoned Gin for 24 lemons.

Stand by for reports from satisfied imbibers. There will no doubt have to be a warning on the label for those occupying hammocks. Warning! Warning! If the hammock rocks it may not be the wind, it might be "Limoncello?" or other such amourousness!!
Happy quaffing in Belge, Queensland and Taranaki! Your sample may yet find you!
Also attached is a photo of three Morch boys taken 10 November 2007 in Calamvale, Brisbane on Isaac James Drysdale Morch's 10 th birthday. Farfar Evan was released from captivity and like the bellringer's son 'tolled' to get his person across to Oz to assist Isaac and Dad Carl. Which he did with aplomb!

Isaac's birthday cake lasted few minutes since his mates, Michael, Dominic and Andrew assisted Evan in polishing it off. The ten birthday candles were blown out real fast!