No visit to Huldenberg and indeed Belgium is complete until one has met and experienced the 'yorkie boys.' They are always on the lookout for 'anything.' Their hearing is that acute they can even hear a fly cocking its leg in Leuven (some 15 kms away). The Leuven that is down the Aardvej (the hard way) with its 1 km more or less of wobblestones. Full bladders beware when on the bikes!!
The yorkie boys lie in wait for moles and go bananas when they hear them 'clicking.' They dance around, yapping, digging and generally going 'yorkie berserk.' This first photo is them at rest and is a rare moment in their very hectic 'guard-dog' lives.

This next photo is the yorkie boys at their guard station- by the front window. Ready to pounce and bark on all those pesky cyclists or go real bananas when Mike or Sue come home. When not on station they cuddle up to whomever is sitting down.

Case in point! Sammo trying to read with the two yorkie boys looking for and finding the most comfortable position available. Lucky boys! Lucky Sammo - until they leap to attention and launch themselves to save the property from interlopers.

Another time another restful position for the 'guard dogs. Hint. Frodo has the perky ears whilst Forrest doesn't but Forrest is the alpha dog and Frodo normally does what he is told. Mention the 'pig' (a rubber replica that squeals when savaged) or 'where's Michael' or 'where's anything else' and they leap to attention, motoring through the dog door ready for action. They have learnt not to barge through the dog door but to time it's swinging. A smack on the nose soon learnt them in the earlier times of getting through the dog door just short of the speed of light!

What a life!

What a beady eye you have Forrest. I'm glad I'm not a mole or a cyclist or a hedgehog. Make no mistake these babies are hunting dogs, bred and genetically designed to savage prey of all sorts.

"What's that thing you're pointing at me Kiwi man?" "Does it need savaging?" "How about a TREAT, Frodo's not watching and Michaels at work and I won't tell on you!"

But Frodo was watching and Michael did find out - don't know how but he is very attuned to the yorkie dogs.

Relax yorkie boys and enjoy savaging interlopers - you made our stay in Huldenberg so enjoyable that Sammo is looking, looking, looking for two little doggy boys to grace the quietness of Greystone in Kiwiland!
Full of beans, character and love!
"Hang on though where's my next feed that I can con you to provide without Michael knowing!"